Saturday 19 December 2009

For people that follow this blog..


I do actually really enjoy posting blogs but its the 19th of December and my first blog this month!

Basically I've not done much to blog about, actually that might not be true.. I did go to a Youtube gathering which was actually really nice, I met some new people and caught up with some old faces and all in all I had a grand day :D <3

College is going ok, I've not done a whole lot to be honest, just got my head down, trying to work hard. I do find at college though that because people are becoming more aware of my Youtube account and what I do on it that I find myself being a little bit more funny than usual. What I mean when I say that is that I'd always try to find jokes to make or little comments that amuse people but it does feel a little like people expect it now. This can have its perks but also theres numorous times I just can't be bothered!

As I seem to do in every blog I'll write about Youtube, and a blog by Dom 'MyShowbizName' caught my eye, he commented on the state of the community spirit that used to be around so much. He made a point about people not ReTweeting videos etc.. he has a very good point, but this problem has being around for months. It takes nothing to click 'ReTweet' and sure sometimes I don't do it but over the last 2 weeks I've made an effort to help promote more people. This is mainly because its so simple!

The thing that makes Youtube so brilliant is the way we can all rally around each other and help them push on, and because we have things like Twitter and Facebook is so easy to do this. We all know that it only takes a sidebar link or a mention in a video for someone overnight to gain a large amount of exposure. Is this fair? Maybe not, but what good does it do sitting back and saying 'Nah I won't help them out because they've had help before' or 'Why should I retweet them if they don't help me'
All that does it add to the problem.

Maybe you don't agree with what I've said but i'd love to know what you think.

Let me know by either emailing me at
or just leaving a comment on this post



P.S. My last video has done quite well and i've a new one on the way :D thanks peas!

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